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A Real Dentist Disaster

We are eager to have an experienced or inexperienced medical malpractice attorney review this case for us. Anyone interested please contact us on this email by clicking on "Contact Us" on the left..

Indiana adult has the following experiences:

(1) Dentist asks patient if she's allergic to any medicines as he's "using some old medicine they don't use much anymore" and he falls into her cheek (outside) with a needle that punctures the skin, leaving a tiny bump or bubble beneath the skin

(2) Dentist has drill ("Wrong size" = words spoken by the dentist to the assistance in instruction to order drills as dentist did not have the proper size to use) break off deep into her left-side gum which had to be cut out by a special dentist which she was sent to for "surgery" to remove the broken drill.

Patient's left cheek  began to sink in.  Patient, who had been totally, extraordinarily healthy her entire lifetime -- never even a broken bone, taking no medications etc. -- was finally disagnosed as LIPODYSTROPHY, a rare disorder.


We'd love to hear from you!!!!!! If you're looking for a "Beginning Case" or in the interest of justice, we'll give you further details.


  Website by Anne Deja